My body has been going through some changes lately. Some I do not like. at. all.
When i was 18 I developed a pretty high intolerance for milk products(no cake mixes, cheetos, anything with milk in the ingredients). That lasted for 3 years. I don't know why it went away but it did. In the past this milk allergy has come and gone. Recently it has been back for a few months and it is just getting worse. I can't have any dairy now-no eggs even- and that never happened before. isn't like I will get hives, itch and stop breathing when I eat dairy....but i do balloon up, cramp and get very very uncomfortable. Enough so that I don't even crave any
One thing my body is doing which I am having a hard time with is rejecting Diet Coke (well all carbonation but i only liked the Diet Colas;))

Why!!??!! Old friend....why does it feel like you are gnawing at my stomach lining? You have no milk in you...yet you cause so much bloating? so much discomfort?? why oh why.
oh well...sigh. this stuff is poison anyway, right? i am better off without you.
i want to eat healthier this month....and looks like my body is forcing me!