Monday, August 30, 2010

Mega quarterly cont...AIM training

Les Mills introduced an Advanced Instructor Module at this event. I chose to take the Body Pump training. The criteria was to have at least 6 months teaching experience under your belt. There were 8 instructors from Towne Fitness who took too this great opportunity to get additional training from the Program Directors (from New Zealand )!
Erica -my partner for the day, Me, Susan Renata(program director), David (fellow Pump instructor)
We went over the essence of Body Pump (which is power and perfection...each program has its own essence which changes the way you teach and coach) and how to create this atmosphere when you teach. It all starts with your state of mind which helps create the direction of the class. We started off teaching one track from the latest release, got feedback from the trainers and then during the rest of the day took that feedback and tweaked our coahing/teaching/cueing. Then we presented our tracks again at the end of the day applying our new knowledge. It was amazing to see how we changed. I was ready to get back to LaGrange and show my class what I learned:)

What was the biggest lesson I learned? To give short and sharp cues, be direct and just shut-up. We all tend to talk too much...wanting to give all the cues, telling the class everything we know (shoulders back, abs in, relax shoulders, feet under hips. etc) but really less is more. The music really drives the workout and if we are talking too much who can hear the thumping beat!! So it was a great class today when I just kept my mouth shut. I gave the essential cues and let the music do the rest.
Me, Margo(a US master trainer and presenter on the new release) and Erica-look at her biceps...and she was telling me she wasn't strong!
It was a great day and I felt so good this morning walking into my 5:15am class. Some mornings I am not jumping out of bed since they tend to be "bumps on a log"...i understand though..i mean it is 5:15am! but I wasn't going to let that effect me anymore. If you get up that early you want a great workout and I was going to deliver! all starts with your state of mind! Aren't I sounding short and sharp already?! :)
After we all cleaned up from our trainings we meet at Marlow's for dinner. Henry-the owner of Towne Fitness paid...isn't it funny how good food tastes when it is free:) Thanks Henry!

We sat around laughing and joking and sharing when we all learned from our trainings. A perfect way to end a fantastic day!
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