Friday, November 30, 2007

why is the cup so big???

You know what this is?? The measuring cup from laundry detergent. I have always just thrown in a full scoop ignoring the lines. I knew the bottom line was for smaller loads and I hardly ever have a small load so I never bothered to investigate the other line. Well I actually stopped and read the directions on the box the other day. I have been mindlessly throwing in too much soap for YEARS! Then I wondered why oh why do they make the cup so large if you only need to fill it up to the 2nd line to wash a load of clothes??!!!! Oh maybe I won't run out of soap so fast!
fyi.....I bought a 180 load box of Gain from Sam's 9-11-07 and it lasted us until 11-29-07...would have lasted longer if I had measured right! not sure how cost effective it is to buy that large a box but it was nice not to run out so fast!