Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have been reading a little on this blog. It is an amazing adoption story. They are in a court battle with the birthfather right now after the baby being in their home for a year! (say a prayer for them please!)

They have an open relationship with their son's birthmom which is so wonderful. There are too many stereotypes out there surrounding birthparents. I hope you have a chance you read some of their story and maybe it will change any misconceptions you(or those around you) may have about the whole open adoption process.

Also..there is a cool video on the sidebar that I tried to post on here....but I burned my brain trying to figure out how to do just click on it there and watch it please:)

Sophia's and Nate's birthparents are amazing people. We pray for them and miss them. How lucky we are to know them.


Granny's Blog said...

Do you know the where a bouts of Nate's mother? It'll be sad for him not to have any information about her when Sophia knows all about hers.

The Walker Family said...

yeah, I happened to be one of those stereotypes back in the day! lol It was only for protection on your part, but I am so grateful my views have changed and I have you to thank!