Sunday, December 2, 2007

Stone Mountain

Yesterday we went to Stone Mountain to see the Christmas Village they do every year. Back in the summer they were advertising a "snow mountain" that we would be able to sled down.....but since we are still in a drought....and creating a snow mountain would tons of water they cancelled that exhibit. We didn't realize that this particular evening would be so crowded was CRAWLING with people. That is something we try to avoid but we just toured the shops and tried to do the things the crowds weren't(they were there to see Santa apparently). It turned out to be a fun evening...and not so cold!

They had the trees and buildings all wrapped in lights. This was was particularly beautiful because it was naturally orange with the changing leaves still on it and then they had it wrapped in orange lights as well. It was my favorite!

One highlight of the evening was watching "The Polar Express" in 4D. They shortened the movie to 30 minutes but it was still magical and cool how they had the caribou sneeze on us and actual "wet" snow at the end.

Our 3D glasses....we are so cool!

Coca-Cola is a big theme at Stone Mountain too.


The Walker Family said...

I love the pictures. I want to start taking our family to places like this-but where are they? I need to find them because we would have lots of fun. Wished we had a Calloway Gardens in our area too.