Monday, January 28, 2008

clean speech

Tonight at dinner Sophia shared a chant she has learned on the bus:

Girls go to college to get more knowledge
Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupid-er.

But she said she changed the last line to:

Boys go to Jupiter to get more "cooky-er" because she didn't want to use that bad word "stupid"....

Which reminded me of something that was happened last month. We don't swear in the house and I am not sure which swear words my children have heard or even know. (don't you remember when you first discovered what the real "bad" words were...????) So around here the "bad" words are ones like stupid or idiot or dumb.

Our DVD player has TV Guardian so whenever we watch movies it automatically cuts out the bad language. One evening it wasn't working and we were wincing whenever we heard the swear words.....well Richard and I were wincing. We didn't realize that Sophia had no idea how bad some of the words were because in one scene someone said g-d followed by some other not-so-nice words and she didn't flinch. Then someone called the other person "stupid" and she said, "OOOhhhhhhhhh.....that's a BAD word!"

I guess I should tell her what the really, really bad words are...the kind that gets your mouth washed out with soap like the kid on The Christmas Story.....because i would be mortified if she used a real swear word innocently!!

ps. i don't remember which movie this was and I am sure we turned it Granny Layton hold your comment;) I don't want you thinking we are corrupting your grandchildren...that's your job! ha!:)


Unknown said...

I wasn't going to say anything. I was just glad I didn't have to worry about those things anymore. I find that on my decorating shows I wince when they say "Oh G..,that's so pretty". I know my children know what is right and what is wrong and I know they want their children to do the right thing.

The Walker Family said...

Fia is so silly! WE all say she is the twin on jon and Date + 8. We love our Fia! I see Nate changing the whle jingle around to say gilrs get stupider to just upset Fia! Better not give him any ideas!