Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The influence of the media

Last night at Wal-Mart I decided to purchase 3 of these reusable bags. I had seen them before but never purchased them because I would typically have large amounts of stuff and didn't want to pay extra for bags.....but last night I didn't have that many items so I decided to try them out. They are only $1 a piece and to my suprise they hold quite a bit of stuff. I wasn't sure how they would work for breads and eggs but I figured they could just bag those in the annoying plastic ones and put the rest of my stuff in these black ones. I get so tired of all those plastic bags and usually throw all of them away.

Now I did not buy these reusable bags because I have this strong desire to save the planet or was trying to "go green"....I don't even recycle! I did it because I hate those plastic bags! And I always try to get in the house in one trip which I could never do with those plastic ones....but hopefully I can with these larger black ones!

As I was standing in line last night I began to think about this whole "Go Green" campaign that has been going on for a while. It is interesting to me how it has picked up steam lately as well. Everywhere you look someone or something is advertising how you can be "green" and save the planet. It always make me wonder why this didn't happen 2 years ago? 10 years ago? I know there was small talk going on about it but nothing major like now. What propelled this green burst? Was it Al Gore's(*gag*) award winning documentary on Global Warming(which Granny thinks is a big lie)? Haven't we always needed to recycle and save energy? Don't you remember the lessons we had in school about turing off the water when youp brush your teeth? I guess my question is how do you get the country all on the same bandwagon? This is how I see it happening....

you make a documentary

give the flim-maker a big award for it

write a book about it

talk about it on every major news network

write another book

create a special show about it....or 2 or 3....heck a whole network devoted to it

have some big celebrities endorse it

make clothes from recycled material


Ok...all that for my point....wouldn't it be so wonderful if we could get all that media attention for something that would really impact the country? Say....like the miracle of adoption??? Or maybe the importance of an education? or the importance of family? or honesty? What if on those TV's that are at every checkout in Wal-Mart they were playing a message from a birthmother about how adoption was a miracle in her life and the life of her child....think how many opinion's could be changed from that!

I think I am getting old....


Granny's Blog said...

All of the "Go Green" stuff has an agenda. You have to listen to talk radio to understand it all but it isn't just a coincident. I can't believe I spelled that word right! It all has a bit of truth about it but the rest is lies and if you tell a lie long enough, you start believing it yourself. All the major networks are in cahoots with the AlGore movement. I spelled his name like Rush pronounces it!