He loves to hang out with you while you watch TV.
He does this little dance when he wants you to play fetch with him....too cute!
He is about 12 pounds...Cricket is 8 pounds but Pongo stands about twice the size of Cricket!.
Posted by the Villamor's at Monday, December 29, 2008 4 comments
Posted by the Villamor's at Monday, December 29, 2008 1 comments
Nate stepped in to help with the decorating part. Here is he whipping up some
yummy butter icing!!
Look at that CUTE dimple!!
Posted by the Villamor's at Sunday, December 28, 2008 2 comments
Santa won't care if they are tough!
Only one casuality!
Posted by the Villamor's at Sunday, December 28, 2008 2 comments
Posted by TheVillamorFamily at Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2 comments
I had a hard time this year getting into the Christmas spirit....I think it had a lot to do with the Christmas music that started to play in the middle of NOVEMBER! I got sick of hearing Rudolph and White Christmas even before December rolled in! Richard put up the tree and most of the decorations...I kept saying we didn't need to get out all our decorations this year....I just didn't want to deal with the extra clutter!! But now I am enjoying them and even put up a few recently!! yay me!;) Fia and Nate love to see all the ornaments from the years past. We buy a new one each year and try to have it symbolize something of that year. This time we got a crab since we just ordered 4 dozen for RIchard's family visit this weekend. We also go to the Christmas Village at Callaway Gardens and paint a clay ornament. That is always fun.
Posted by TheVillamorFamily at Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3 comments
I was creating our Christmas card tonight and was shocked at how much the kids have grown up since this picture was taken in May. We took the picture below this evening and I was amazed at how Fia's face had changed. Nate too!
Posted by the Villamor's at Saturday, December 06, 2008 4 comments
A couple weeks ago I was out with Fia and Nate shopping.....at about 10am. I wasn't home when they ate breakfast and they were getting hungry for real food! Here was our conversation:
me: Didn't you eat breakfast this morning?
them: yea
me: what did you have?
them: cookies!
me: Who gave you cookies???
them: Dad!
So I got them something to eat and when I got home I questioned Richard about poisoning our children's young bodies with so much sugar in the morning....(totally kidding! i am sure those blasted poptarts have just as much sugar as the cookies they were eating! and i push the easy poptarts frequently! )
me: Why did you give the kids cookies for breakfast?
Richard: I didn't give them cookies for breakfast!!!
me: they said you did...
Richard: Well....I was eating cookies and they said, "Dad can we have some cookies?" and I said, "yes".
Whew! At least he wasn't GIVING them cookies for breakfast! He was just sharing cookies with them!
This story deserves a big hardy har har
Posted by TheVillamorFamily at Saturday, December 06, 2008 2 comments
Posted by the Villamor's at Thursday, December 04, 2008 1 comments
Posted by the Villamor's at Wednesday, December 03, 2008 5 comments
Every year...no...everytime we come for a visit Grampie likes to take pictures. Almost everytime he will get out his "backdrop" and hang it from the curtain rods in the living room. It has taken years for us to get use to and actually look forward to this event....and we would love it even more if Grampie would send us all these pictures from years past! hint, hint
So here are a few shots of our latest photo shoot. While Grampie was setting up the camera I was shooting pictures with mine.Here we are gathering together in front of the bedsheet...I mean backdrop. Notice the enthusiastic look on Forrest face!
Posted by the Villamor's at Wednesday, December 03, 2008 1 comments
We have never been a very traditional family....there are not many things we do over and over each year....but we have succeeded in having Thanksgiving every year together for about 3 years now!! We just may have a tradition!!
Usually Thanksgiving is about turkey and all the trimmings....well we(Trudy and I) decided that since we don;t like turkey(never can get it right) and we were going to do something different. There were lots of ideas thrown out and in the end we (again TJ and me) decided to have baked potatoes and soups(chili and beef stew). There are so many food allergies in my brother's family(pork, corn and wheat) so this would make it easy for the majority to eat without worry! Well....when Richard found out we weren't doing a turkey he got pretty sad:(. He questioned why everyone wasn't in on the menu...and my response was because we(you know who) are the ones who cook and since we cook we get to make the decision! ha! After another hour of pouting about not having turkey we stopped at a grocery store to pick up a turkey breast....which turned out very yummy...it just might make a comeback...and we found out that Richard wasn't the only one who was sad about a Thanksgiving sans turkey!:)
Anyway...all of that to say we didn't have a traditional dinner. All we look forward to is seeing each other so we took the focus off the food and just enjoyed visiting.
So Wednesday afternoon we headed out to Trudy's house and Frankie and his family left Knoxville Thursday morning 5am and stopped by Granny and Grampie's first. Everyone converged to Trudy's around 1pm for lunch. I didn't get any group pictures because we were getting those at Grampie's the next day....but Josh got sick Thursday evening and they had to leave the next morning without the annual family shoot! I will take more pictures next time!!
But here are a few shots of the weekend... Luke spent the night at Trudy's house so we met them in Huntsville while we were shopping.
Poor Kayla was cramped in the back with all the Christmas presents:) I bet she didn't notice though as long as she was reading! She and Luke read as much as they breathe!
Posted by the Villamor's at Wednesday, December 03, 2008 0 comments
I love that my children still believe...... Sometimes Santa has dropped off their presents earlier so we could wrap them....but it is OK for parents to be Santa's helpers.
Posted by the Villamor's at Wednesday, December 03, 2008 0 comments
This year Sophia had great ideas for her birthday party. She wanted it to be a dance & spend the night party! As we were making the guest list it kept getting longer and longer. Before I knew it we had 7 girls and 2 boys invited! I knew all the girls and figured it would be alright....you never know when you get that many girls together what might happen! But it was a stress-free party(aside from the screams that naturally come from 8 and 9 year old girls). Everyone got along so well which is also great since not everyone knew each other. The school had their thanksgiving dinner that day and the kids begged me to check them out after lunch. I did on the condition that they help me clean and decorate. They promised and did exactly that! Nate loves setting the table and arranging the party favors and drinks. Sophia took care of the decorations.
Posted by the Villamor's at Wednesday, December 03, 2008 0 comments