Friday, March 21, 2008

Our apartment

I had this in the other post but accidentally deleted it while I was typing so here it is:) Our first home as a married couple! Richard had lived here for a few years before I moved in. We got married on June 24th, spent 2 weeks traveling for our honeymoon and then I believe I moved all my stuff in the weekend of July 4th. We only lived here for a few months before moving into our first house.


Granny's Blog said...

I remember that apt. You had the vine covered quilt bedspread that I have downstairs and I think you had some white gauge-like thing hanging from the ceiling, right? And Richard had some fish sauce there, right?

The Walker Family said...

Did I ever visit this apartment? I remember one apartment early in your marriage when I went with you to take out the trash? I told you that Richard should take the trash out and that it was a man's job! (Well, that's how it works in our marriage.)