Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Grout and swingset

We got our swingset delivered today. This isn't what it looks like exactly but it has a clubhouse, 2 swings, slide and stairs. Sophia and Nate LOVE it and so will all the kids who come over!

So tonight I have been working on spreading the grout. I was very intimidated about this process since i hadn't watched my friend Sarah do it but as I kept going I got the hang of it. Not sure I did the wiping right but I think it will be OK. I called our contractor to ask him some questions and he was so very helpful. He is even giving us a can of sealer to use before we go out of town so when we get back from the weekend it will be ready.

So since I have been so preoccupied with this project the kids have been left to themselves. Thankfully they are old enough to take care of an extent... and get their own snacks....but they forgot that eating in my bed is prohibited(right Trudy?) so I was a little disappointed when I found Cheez-It crumbs and poptart crumbs on my sheets. Oh well....lesson learned. Hey...I can wash my sheets in my new washer. The sad part is we are so tired when we crawl in bed the crumbs dont' even bother us!

So tomorrow I finish up the grout and get the stove and refridge moved back in place and then start putting everything back in its place. It feels like a tornado came inside the house. I think we just might make our deadline of having the clean house before we leave for SC on Friday afternoon! That is the plan anyway!


Natalie said...

You've been working hard! I'm looking forward to seeing it next time I come home!

Granny's Blog said...

You sure have worked hard and have earned a clean house...too bad you have to clean the house too!! I know you will be so proud when you return from SC to come into a clean home with new floors. You might need some of those yellow cones like Wal-mart puts down when the floor is wet, when you mop the kitchen! You can play slip-n-slide in your kitchen.Ha-ha!

Laine said...

MK, where did you get that swingset???