Saturday, May 31, 2008

I must get around....

Yesterday I was in Ace Hardware buying plumbing supplies when the cashier complimented me on how beautiful my children were. Then she asked, "what mix are they?". I told her Sophia was half Filipino and Nate was half black. When that came out of my mouth I chuckled to myself because it sounded like I must "get around" and I could see the wheels turning in that lady's head(she was black) after I told her their "mix".....even her expression changed. I will ususally tell people they are adopted when they ask their ethnicity but I just didn't this time. I was tired and didn't want to answer anymore questions. Next time I will just say my husband is Filipino and leave it at that! Ha:)


Granny's Blog said...

That is such a sweet picture picture of the kids! Does Nate know his background?

The Walker Family said...

Did you mention you were the minority in the family? lol
ou have a beautiful family MK and I'm so thankful we are a forever family! I love you!

Anonymous said...

I love that pic of the two of them! It would have been SO funny to be able to hear that girls thoughts! LOL!

Laine said...

I Love that MK!! Sometimes i tell people that Caz and Xander are six months apart and leave it at that. I like watching people scratch their heads!! LOL