Monday, November 22, 2010

thankful #22

today i am thankful for my sister Trudy.
On the radio this morning I heard about a study of 2 people can share the same parents but be totally opposite. I thought about Trudy when I heard this. We look nothing alike. She is double jointed and I am not. I have bushy hair and she has straight thin hair. We have some similiar interests but are passionate about different things. She is very creative and makes beautiful cards. I am somewhat creative and love to take her beautiful cards.
The study said siblings will have different feelings about their childhood which is largely based on the time when they came into the family. This is also true for us. We have different feelings about our parents and our upbringing. We have connected over the past couple of days over some family issues and I am seeing just how differently we were treated. I just marvel at who Trudy has become and what she has overcome. She is amazingly awesome in everything.
One of the best parts of our relationship is honesty. We can tell each other our true feelings without fear of judgement. I wish I could adequately express how I feel towards her but I have never been known for my writing!! ha. I am so excited about visiting her this week for Thanksgiving and eating the turkey she bought for $5.88 last year. Hey...we hate turkey so it won't matter what it tastes like, right?
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Jack said...

if it has anything to do with turkey, i don't want anything to do with it.

hooray for awesome sisters. and for thanksgiving.

Granny's Blog said...

The turkey is going to be a year old? You think frying it will give it some taste or what? I'm glad we're having turkey because it's traditional and it gives us an excuse to eat cranberry sauce!