Friday, April 18, 2008

Tuesday Tell All

The most wasted

of all days is one

without laughter.

~e.e. cummings

What makes you laugh?

This is the topic for the TUesday Tell All this week. Hmmmmm....I LOVE the quote they used and I do agree with that! Laughing is usually my first instinct for everything. When I am stressed I usually laugh. One time my friend and I were driving in the rain and started hydroplaning so bad we spun in circles and ended up in the ditch. We didn't hit anyone, nor were we hurt but when we finally came to a stop I started laughing. Later I cried but I usually laugh first! So weird!

I grew up in a home that valued laughter. My mother always said if we were not laughing we would be crying! Isn't that true!! One of the most fun things to laugh at now is family stories. I love to reminiscence with Trudy and Frankie about the funny things we did as kids....especially on Sundays when Mama and Daddy were napping. Or how we would sneak down to the creek when Mama warned us not to!

Another thing that makes me laugh is old SNL commercials and skits. You can usually see most of them on YouTube. And there are a lot of LOL vidoes on Youtube of people doing funny things:)

One of my favorite funny movies is Dumb and Dumber. My favorite laugh-out-loud TV show is "Everybody Loves Raymond".

My children are always a good source of laughter as well!

I am trying to remember the last time I had a really good-from-the-gut laugh but I can't remember....that means it has been too long then!!

And anything is funnier when you are tired...or hot and tired like at Girl's Camp...right Natalie? Jordan? Anyone reading this know what I am talking about? :)

I will probably think of something else to write about later but that is all for now:)


Natalie said...

I'm honored to be mentioned by name in your post! Yes, things are definitely funnier then. Remember the makeovers we did with Lindsey back in the day? Wow.

Granny's Blog said...

About the third day at Girl's Camp is when the laughter would kick in! You're so hot and tired that a one word phrase (Ha! You can't have a phrase with one word!) would set the laughter off. I remember when I was the leader and Debbie Eckstein was my counselor. The first day, Debbie showed up in a nice outfit, with make-up in place, ready to do battle with nature. It wasn't long 'till the make up was gone and the clothes were sweaty and wrinkled! What fun we had!

Steve and Amanda said...

Laughter is GREAT! You are really good at it too. Thanks for always bringing more laughter in my life. I love girl's camp laughter too! Thanks for being such a good friend.