Friday, April 18, 2008


On Thursday I wanted to get some earthworms for preschool and since we live by West Point Lake I was betting the local gas station would have some. I walked in the door and asked the lady behind the counter, "Do you have any earthworms?". She looked at me like I at a gas station in Utah asking for pork rinds.
She said "Earthworms....??!" as she turned to look at the guy in the store stocking the shelves with bread. "we don't have earthworms but we got some wigglers". Not knowing what wigglers were i said I would take some....and they were earthworms. At least they were like the earthworms we use play with as a kid. Maybe I am wrong and there are wigglers and then there are earthworms. Who knows....I just thought it was so funny that someone didn't know what earthworms were!


Natalie said...

That is really funny!

Granny's Blog said...

Your picture shore fit the experience!